Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dr. Bernard's Q&A with

Dr. Michael Bernard was recently interviewed by and answered some of the common questions Bizymoms visitors have about braces and orthodontic treatment. Check out what Dr. Bernard had to say!

Q. Can one be too old for braces?

A. We see patients of all ages! I have examined children as young as 6 months old and we have treated 5 year old children with braces who had a severe functional problem. The oldest patient I have treated is 72, but we can treat anyone who has sound dental health. No patient is too old for tooth movement as long as their dental health is good enough to accept the minimum force necessary for movement.

Q. How much do braces cost?

A. Braces cost from $300 for simple passive arches to over $6000 for comprehensive adult treatment. Adult treatment is more difficult than child treatment, so the cost is from $500 to $1000 more. The average full treatment fee for a child is between $5000 and $6000 and the adult treatment is between $6200 and $6800.

Q. When will one begin to see changes in his/her teeth after the braces are put on?

A. Depending on the severity of the malocclusion, changes can be seen in one day to 3 days. The initial wires are very gentle and work over a long period of time, so adjustments only have to be made every 8 weeks.

Q. Will one need to have teeth extracted for braces?

A. Only about 10 to 20% of children will need to have permanent teeth extracted. These would be children who had front teeth that were very protruding or teeth that were extremely crowded. You can only move crooked teeth within the limits of the jaw bone. If moved to far off the bone, gum problems could result or the teeth would get crooked again when the retainers were not worn. Adults have to have teeth removed more often because they have no growth left and the bone is more rigid and difficult to move teeth in.

Q. How long will it take to complete the treatment?

A. Minor treatment can be accomplished in 6 months. Most full orthodontic treatment takes from 12 to 24 months to complete. This treatment requires about 12 to 18 visits to the orthodontist for adjustments and wire changes. We then follow all patients for 12 months with retainers to make sure the teeth remain in the proper alignment. This requires 2 to 3 visits and then the patients are not scheduled to return but are encouraged to call if they are having trouble with their retainer. We tell all patients that teeth can move all throughout life, so they should wear their retainers as long as possible even though we do not need to see them back in our office unless they have a problem.

Q. Can a person wear braces even though that person may have crowns and missing teeth?

A. A person can wear braces with crowns and missing teeth. These are usually adult patients and we can place brackets on porcelein, metal, or plastic crowns or fillings. We can sometimes use baby teeth in kids who have missing teeth and they will move with braces just like permanent teeth. We can also move other teeth into the missing tooth space to correct crowding or protruding teeth or move teeth into an ideal alignment for future dental implants.

Q. How can I prevent my child from being embarrassed by wearing braces?

A. Very few children are embarrassed by braces because all of their friends have them. In fact, most kids from 8 to 12 want braces! Some kids that are going into high school can be embarrassed by needing to wear braces but they are usually more embarrassed by having crooked teeth in a society that features an ideal smile and they are motivated to achieve that perfect bite and smile. Many of our adult patients say: "I only wish my parents would have made me wear braces when I was in middle school," and all those who had braces concur that it was one of the best things their parents did for them as a child.

Q. How to contact Dr. Bernard if we have further questions?

A. You may call our office or email him at

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