In the past year our office has made several new and exciting technological advances. We have enhanced our ability to communicate with you, through several new sites; beginning with Ortho Sesame, which is new inter-active software that allows patients/parents to view their account. This also gives them the ability to either cancel or confirm their appointment or contact us through e-mail.
Dental offices are able to receive mutual patient information through Sesame Interactive, (there is a link for this on our website) or through e-mail. We have also joined several networking sites, which include: facebook, youtube and myspace. On these pages patients have the ability to click on a “directions icon” to print street to street directions directly from their home to our office. Our address is already listed.
These sites allow patients to learn more about our office and to post comments. Dr. Bernard writes interesting facts about orthodontics and writes articles for our blog. Our website, which is www.drsosbern.com, contains information about our doctors, staff and valuable information about treatment, along with emergency information. Please stop at the front desk and fill out a form with your e-mail address (you can submit several addresses), you can give this to one of the receptionists.